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Is Phonic GDPR or CCPA compliant?

We Are Compliant, And We Help You Comply Too


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) are consumer privacy laws affecting the EU and California respectively. These laws, among other things, require platforms like Phonic to respect user privacy, clearly explain the nature of all data collected, and provide the ability to opt out of this collection.

We Are Compliant, And We Help You Comply Too

Among other things, Phonic complies in the following way:

  • The survey creator (you) own all data collected.
  • We never sell your data or share it with anyone outside of your organization.
  • You can access and delete your data at any time.
  • When data is deleted, it's really gone.

Collecting Participant Consent

Phonic doesn't collect explicit participant consent by default, however we provide tools (ex. consent form, survey info page) to do this yourself. When collecting consent it is important to provide participants the following things:

  • A description of the data collected
  • An explanation of the reason that data is being collected, and what it will b used for
  • The right to access and delete that data (for example. "email us to opt out of this study")
  • The right to opt out of any data collection