How Do I Integrate with Other Platforms?

Either embed the Phonic widget, link to a Phonic survey or use our API.

There are three primary ways to integrate Phonic with another platform.

  1. The Phonic widget can be embedded to allow audio recording anywhere.
  2. A Phonic survey can be linked to directly from another survey or platform.
  3. Data can be uploaded and fetched via our REST API.

All of these methods can link data between uniquely identifying respondents across multiple platforms.

Method 1: Embed A Recording Widget

The Phonic embedded widget can be added to any survey platform that supports custom HTML. The widget defines a custom HTML tag into which attributes are passed. These attributes modify the behaviour and appearance of the widget. A full list of attributes can be found in our doc describing how to embed this widget into a web page.

There are only two required parameters, survey ID and question ID:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

The third parameter used often in integrations is responseID, which acts to uniquely identify a respondent. If it is not provided, we will automatically generate one. It is recommended to explicitly provide one when a common identifier is required to link responses between multiple widgets. For example, a survey with multiple audio questions.

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

Method 2: Link to a Phonic Survey

The easiest way to integrate Phonic with another platform is to link directly to a Phonic survey. Consider a study with two parts: the first survey built in Qualtrics and the second survey built in Phonic. A unique identifier can be passed from the Qualtrics survey to Phonic via URL parameters.

Here my_id acts as an identifier from Qualtrics that is unique for each respondent. Phonic automatically saves this id and will include it as a column in your CSV data export. This column acts as a key on which you can join the Qualtrics and Phonic datasets.

Method 3: Use the Phonic API

Our API is currently in beta. Get in touch with our team to discuss access.